Many students are looking for tips on how to write an evaluation. Even though there is a lot of information on the web, finding something really helpful might be challenging. This guide is here to shed some light on this exciting topic.

Evaluation Essay

What Is an Evaluation Essay

An evaluation essay is academic or journalistic writing requiring the writer to assess and analyze a particular subject, such as a book, movie, product, service, or any other work or phenomenon. An evaluation essay aims to provide an informed and balanced judgment about a specific subject. Now let’s look at the general structure of an evaluation essay.

In an evaluation essay, you present an overall subject assessment and support your evaluation with evidence, examples, and logical reasoning. Such essays typically begin with an introduction presenting the topic and providing context. It also includes a clear thesis statement that states the writer’s opinion or judgment about the subject.

The essay’s body consists of paragraphs that elaborate on specific aspects or criteria for evaluation. These criteria depend on the nature of the subject and may include factors such as effectiveness, quality, relevance, impact, value, or any other relevant aspect. You evaluate each criterion separately, supporting their judgment with evidence and examples.

You need to maintain objectivity and provide a fair and balanced evaluation. It means acknowledging both the strengths and weaknesses of the topic. The writer should present their evaluation in a clear, organized, and coherent way, using appropriate language and providing sufficient evidence to support their claims.

Example of an Evaluation Essay Outline

Outlining is a crucial step of the writing process. Focus on the main points you want to discuss and then arrange them logically. Remember about smooth transitions between the paragraphs. Also, keep in mind that every evaluation paper outline is unique, as you need to explore different aspects of a specific topic every time you cope with such an assignment. Here is an example of an outline. You can use it to create your own.


  • Hook. Begin with an attention-grabbing statement, an anecdote, or a question related to the topic.
  • Background information. Provide brief context or background information about the subject.
  • Thesis statement. Clearly state your overall judgment or evaluation of the subject.


  • Identify and list the specific criteria you will use to evaluate the subject. These criteria should be relevant and meaningful, addressing different aspects of the subject’s performance or characteristics.

Body paragraphs

  • Each body paragraph should focus on one criterion for evaluation.
  • Topic sentence. Introduce the specific criterion that you will evaluate in the paragraph.
  • Explanation. Explain the significance of the criterion and why it is important for the overall evaluation.
  • Evidence. Provide evidence, examples, or data to support your criterion evaluation.
  • Analysis. Analyze the evidence and explain how it supports your judgment.

Counterargument (optional)

  • Address potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints that might challenge your evaluation.
  • Present alternative perspectives or criticisms and provide a thoughtful response to them.


  • Summary. Summarize the main points of your evaluation and briefly restate the thesis statement.
  • Evaluation. Provide a concise summary of your overall evaluation, emphasizing the most significant strengths and weaknesses.
  • Recommendations (optional). Offer recommendations for improvement or suggestions based on your evaluation.
  • Closing thought. End with a thought-provoking statement or concluding remark related to the subject.

Movie Evaluation Essay Tips

An evaluation essay on a movie is a common assignment in many educational institutions. Keep reading to learn the main points you must remember when writing it. Also, you will find a great movie evaluation essay outline example below.

Movie Evaluation
by Pixabay from Pixabay
  1. Objectivity. Strive to maintain objectivity throughout your evaluation. While having personal opinions is natural, it’s important to base your judgment on concrete evidence and examples from the movie.
  2. Clear criteria. Establish clear criteria for evaluation. Determine the specific aspects or elements of the movie that you will assess, such as the plot, characters, cinematography, sound, or any other relevant factors. Doing so will provide structure and focus to your evaluation.
  3. Evidence and examples. Support your evaluation with evidence and specific examples from the movie. Use scenes, dialogue, character interactions, or other elements to illustrate your points and provide a solid foundation for your judgment.
  4. Balanced assessment. Provide a balanced assessment by acknowledging the movie’s strengths and weaknesses. Avoid being overly positive or negative. Instead, strive for a fair and nuanced evaluation that considers different aspects of the film.
  5. Analysis and interpretation. Move beyond mere description and analyze the movie’s elements critically. Interpret the director’s choices, the impact of certain scenes or performances, and the effectiveness of various techniques. It will showcase your analytical thinking and add depth to your evaluation.
  6. Contextualize. Consider the movie within its broader context. Reflect on the genre, the director’s previous works, or relevant social or cultural factors that might influence the movie’s reception or significance. Doing so will help provide a more comprehensive evaluation.
  7. Use appropriate language. Employ appropriate language and terminology when discussing the various elements of the movie. Use film-specific vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding of the medium and to communicate your evaluation effectively.
  8. Structure and organization. Organize your essay logically and coherently. Follow a clear introduction, body paragraphs dedicated to specific criteria, and a well-summarized conclusion. Use transitional words and phrases to ensure smooth transitions between ideas.
  9. Engage the reader. Make your evaluation essay engaging by incorporating captivating language, compelling arguments, and vivid descriptions. Use rhetorical techniques to captivate the reader’s attention and maintain their interest throughout the essay.
  10. Conclude thoughtfully. Summarize your evaluation in conclusion, emphasizing your main points and the overall assessment. Consider offering recommendations or suggestions for improvement, if appropriate, to provide a thoughtful conclusion to your evaluation.

Movie Evaluation Essay Outline Example

When writing a movie evaluation essay, you create an outline to address elements and criteria relevant to the film specifically. Here’s an example of a movie evaluation essay outline:


  • Hook. Begin with a captivating statement, intriguing fact, or an interesting quote related to the movie.
  • Background information. Provide essential details about the movie, such as the title, director, release year, and genre.
  • Thesis statement. State your overall movie evaluation and briefly mention the criteria you will use to support your judgment.

Plot and storyline evaluation

  • Summary. Provide a concise overview of the movie’s plot without giving away major spoilers.
  • Evaluation. Analyze the story’s plot structure, coherence, originality, and pacing.
  • Examples. Support your evaluation with specific scenes, character interactions, or plot twists that demonstrate the strengths or weaknesses of the storyline.

Character evaluation

  • Main characters. Evaluate the development, depth, and believability of the main characters.
  • Supporting characters. Assess the roles and impact of the supporting characters on the overall story and character dynamics.
  • Acting. Evaluate the performances of the actors, including their portrayal of emotions, chemistry, and ability to bring the characters to life.
  • Examples. Provide specific examples or scenes that illustrate your evaluation of the characters and acting.

Visuals and cinematography evaluation

  • Cinematography. Evaluate the visual composition, camera angles, lighting, and use of color in the film.
  • Set design and costumes. Assess the effectiveness of the set design, costumes, and props in creating a believable and visually appealing world.
  • Special effects (if applicable). Evaluate the quality and integration of any special effects or visual enhancements of the movie.
  • Examples. Cite specific scenes or shots that highlight the visual aspects of the film and their contribution to the overall experience.

Sound and music evaluation

  • Sound design. Evaluate the quality and use of sound effects to enhance the movie experience.
  • Musical score. Assess the effectiveness of the musical score in creating mood, complementing the story, and engaging the audience.
  • Examples. Mention specific moments where the sound or music significantly impacted the viewer’s experience.


  • Summary. Summarize your main points of evaluation and briefly restate your thesis statement.
  • Overall evaluation. Provide your final assessment of the movie, considering its strengths and weaknesses in various aspects.
  • Recommendation. Recommend the movie to a particular audience or discuss who might appreciate it the most.
  • Closing thought. End with a concluding remark or reflection on the movie’s impact or significance.

Main Mistakes to Avoid When Writing an Evaluation Essay

Now that you have an idea of what your essay needs to look like, analyze the following common mistakes to avoid making them.

Evaluation Essay
by Katerina Holmes from Pixabay

Lack of clarity 

Avoid vague or ambiguous statements. Clearly state your thesis and provide a clear roadmap of the criteria and aspects you will evaluate. Use specific language and provide concrete examples to support your points.

Bias and subjectivity

Maintain objectivity in your evaluation. While your opinion matters, ensure that your judgments rely on evidence and logical reasoning rather than personal preferences or biases.

Lack of evidence

Support your evaluation with evidence from the topic. It could include specific examples, scenes, quotes, or data. Avoid making unsupported claims or generalizations.

Lack of structure

Ensure your essay has a clear and organized structure. Include an introduction, body paragraphs dedicated to specific criteria, and a conclusion. Use transitions to maintain coherence between paragraphs and ideas.

Overemphasis on summary

While it’s important to provide a brief overview of the main topic, avoid excessive summarization. Focus on analysis and evaluation rather than simply retelling the story or describing the subject.

Insufficient analysis

Don’t settle for surface-level analysis. Dive deeper into the subject, examine its strengths and weaknesses, and provide insightful interpretations. Analyze the impact and effectiveness of various aspects rather than just stating your impressions.

Neglecting counterarguments

Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. This shows that you have considered multiple perspectives and strengthens your evaluation by offering a well-rounded analysis.

Limited criteria or narrow focus

Avoid evaluating the subject based on a single criterion or a narrow perspective. Consider multiple relevant criteria and aspects to provide a comprehensive evaluation.

Concluding points

An evaluation essay provides an in-depth analysis and assessment of a subject, offering the reader a thoughtful and well-supported judgment. It requires critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. We are sure you can cope with this assignment now that you’ve read this guide. Good luck!