Grammar is an essential component of language, shaping the way we communicate and convey meaning. When delving into the world of grammar, two prominent approaches emerge: descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar. While these terms may sound similar, they represent distinct methodologies in analyzing and understanding language structure. In this article, we will explore the differences and similarities between descriptive and prescriptive grammar, providing examples to illustrate their application.

Prescriptive Grammar
by Amador Loureiro from Unsplash

What is Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar?

  • Descriptive Grammar:

Descriptive grammar aims to describe and analyze how a language is actually used by its speakers. It focuses on the observation and documentation of language patterns, structures, and usage as they naturally occur. Instead of prescribing rules, descriptive grammar seeks to understand and explain the intricacies of language by studying real-world language samples.

Example: In English, the sentence “I ain’t got no money” would be considered grammatically incorrect according to prescriptive grammar rules. However, descriptive grammar acknowledges that this usage is prevalent in certain dialects and social contexts.

  • Prescriptive Grammar:

Prescriptive grammar, on the other hand, aims to establish a set of rules and norms for language usage. It provides guidelines on how language should be used, often based on traditional and formal standards. Prescriptive grammar seeks to maintain language standards, emphasizing correctness and adhering to specific grammar rules.

Example: According to prescriptive grammar, the sentence “I haven’t got any money” would be considered correct, as it follows the standard rules of subject-verb agreement and negation in English.

Differences between Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar

1. Approach:

The key difference between descriptive and prescriptive grammar lies in their approach. Descriptive grammar is an empirical approach that observes and analyzes how language is used in real-life contexts. Prescriptive grammar, on the other hand, is a normative approach that aims to establish rules and standards for language usage.

2. Acceptance of Variations:

Descriptive grammar embraces language variations and acknowledges that languages evolve over time. It recognizes that different dialects, colloquialisms, and informal language play a vital role in communication. Prescriptive grammar, however, tends to favor standardized forms of language and may view variations as deviations from the norm.

3. Describing vs. Prescribing:

Descriptive grammar seeks to describe language as it is, without judgment or imposition of rules. It focuses on understanding the patterns, structures, and usage that naturally occur. Prescriptive grammar, on the other hand, prescribes rules and norms for language usage, aiming to guide speakers towards a “correct” form of language.

Similarities between Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar

  • Study of Grammar:

Both descriptive and prescriptive grammar are concerned with the study of grammar. They explore the structure, syntax, and semantics of language, albeit with different objectives and methodologies.

  • Linguistic Awareness:

Both approaches promote linguistic awareness and contribute to our understanding of language as a whole. Descriptive grammar sheds light on the diversity and richness of language, while prescriptive grammar helps maintain standards and facilitates effective communication.

Which is Better: Prescriptive or Descriptive?

Prescriptive or Descriptive
by Alexander Grey from Unsplash

The question of which approach is better, prescriptive or descriptive, is a subject of debate among linguists and language enthusiasts. While both approaches have their merits, it is important to recognize their respective roles and applications.

Descriptive grammar provides valuable insights into language diversity, highlighting the way people actually use language in real-life situations. It helps us understand language as a dynamic and evolving system. Prescriptive grammar, on the other hand, helps establish a standard for effective communication and maintains language traditions.

Rather than favoring one over the other, it is beneficial to consider both approaches in a complementary manner. Descriptive grammar offers a window into the complexities of language, while prescriptive grammar provides a framework for clarity and consistency in communication.


Descriptive and prescriptive grammar represent two distinct approaches to understanding language structure and usage. Descriptive grammar focuses on describing language as it is, embracing variations and evolving language patterns. Prescriptive grammar, on the other hand, prescribes rules and norms to maintain language standards.

While the debate between descriptive and prescriptive grammar continues, it is important to recognize that both approaches have their place in the study of language. A balanced understanding of language requires acknowledging the diversity and evolution of language, while also recognizing the importance of effective communication and adherence to standards.